Works For Me Wednesday

My favorite places to find great 'Treasures' are YARD SALES! Some people get rid of the neatest things and at dirt cheap prices. I will admit I have an obsession with home decor items. If an item is a really good deal, I'll buy it and hope I can use it or give it to someone who can.

For more of my Yard Sale Home here! Almost everything in the pictures are from Yard Sales!

In the photo above I've put together a few items bought at YS's. Veggies came from my garden, yea ME! Anyway, the basket, vase and flowers all came from YS's. However, the cake stand came from the local Deseret Industries (DI). The bamboo place mat was a clearance item from Pier One, for $1.50. This group cost less than $10...for everything!

I have to say this cake stand is one of my 'most favorite' finds. I spent a little more than I usually would....a WHOPPING $7.

'Treasure Hunting' is an ADDICTION and is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to EVERYONE! In our home it's a family event...well, sometimes....if I let the kids go with me. I'm really not that great of a driver when I'm Treasure Hunting, it gets under my skin and I become a speeder to any and every YS I can find. So, if you're out on a Saturday morning and in the SLC may want to stay home until at least 11am.

Check out Rocks In My Dryer for more Works For Me Wednesday tips


Mom2fur said...

I love garage sales! It's amazing what people will sell you for nothing, isn't it? I got the most amazing blue-and-white quilt this summer for only $5, and I'm pretty sure it's handmade.
That cake stand is exquisite--you sure got a deal on that!

Chanelle said...

Awesome! I love thrifty finds!